Saturday, June 27, 2009
Czech Youth Day
The 2009 Czech Youth Day at the Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center was a big success. Activities included: hay ride tour of the center, Czech lesson, beading lesson, meteorite presentation, Czech egg presentation, rock painting, dance lesson and much more. Several of the Czech Heritage Society of Texas Czech Queens and Little Sisters were present and helped as needed throughout the day. I did a presentation on sewing beads and sequins but I was so busy I did not get any pictures. Many thanks to the volunteers of the Texas Czech Heritage & Cultural Center and the Czech Heritage Society of Texas. The day was great fun and wonderful way for generations to come together to share the Czech heritage with the children.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
More Progress on the Hanacky Apron
You will notice in the last few posts that I am working on another apron for Sarah's Hanacky kroj (Czech costume). The first one was nice but just needed more embroidery. SO, the one I am making now is taking much longer...I am taking my time. I found a great embroidery hot iron transfer that looks Czech. The design is from Aunt Martha's Hot Iron Transfers, #3759 Blue Onion Motifs. Our local fabric store, JoAnn's fabrics carry an assortment of these brand of transfers. So far I have completed the larger design (see photo) along the bottom of the apron. I then did a very simple three line scallop that will create a border for a smaller design that matches the first. After completing this row, I will top with another three line scallop, then invert the original bottom design. I will continue to post photos. You will notice small dots around the center of the bottom design. (Click on photo to enlarge.) I am not sure how I want to do those so I am waiting until I near completion. I use use french knots, beads, sequins or crystals. I will decide later.