Sunday, February 17, 2019

2019 Miss Texas Czech-Slovak Queen is Crowned

2019 Miss Texas Czech-Slovak Queen Lydia Pustejovsky with Little Czech Sister Allison Pustejovsky.
On February 16, 2019, the Czech Heritage Society of Texas crowned the 2019 Miss Texas Czech-Slovak Queen. The event was hosted by the Brazos Valley Czech Heritage Society at St. Joseph's Parish Activity Center in Bryan, Texas.

The Boy Scout Troop # 383 began the day with a Color Guard and the Pledge of Allegiance. The 2013 Miss Texas Czech-Slovak Queen, Jennifer Koll,  sang the United States and Czech national anthem. E.J. Biskup, president of the Brazos Valley CHS led opening ceremonies and the welcome was given by Mayor of Bryan, Andrew Nelson.

Master of Ceremonies, Tom Teykl, introduced current and past Czech-Slovak queens and led the on-stage interviews.

Entertainment was provided by the West High School Jr. Historians from West, Texas. The Jr. Historians is a extra-curricular club at West High and has membership that, at times, topped 150 members. The group was founded in 1976 by Milton "Poone" Morgan and current sponsors are Jacqueline Uptmore and Donna Sexton. The beautiful costumes and lively dance is always a hit. Saturday's crowd especially enjoyed the Chicken Dance with members of the audience invited to participate.

Jr. Historians of West High School

2018 Miss Texas Czech-Slovak Queen Danielle Blattman and 2015 Miss Texas Czech-Slovak Queen Allison Sexton.

2018 Miss Texas Czech-Slovak Queen, Danielle Blattman, gave her farewell address and entertained the crowd with a flute solo of Czech Christmas songs that hold a special place in her heart.
2019 Miss Texas Czech-Slovak Queen Lydia Pustejovsky in her authentic kroj.

Czech-Slovak Queen contestants compete in four categories: Kroj Modeling (Authentic or Americanized); Talent Competition, Private Interview and On-Stage Interview. Contestants also provide a personal heritage display.
Little Czech Sister Grace Moravec and First Runner-Up Zoe Peterek.

The 2019 First Runner-Up is Zoe Peterek, a junior at College Station High School. Zoe is the daughter of Gabe and Christy Peterek. Zoe won the Talent and the Kroj Modeling Competition. For her talent, she provided a display of her artwork and a commentary of each piece. She modeled a handmade authentic kroj representing the Hana region of the Czech Republic made by Sharon (Middlebrook) Mena of Bryan, Texas. Zoe's Little Czech Sister is Grace Moravek, daughter of John and Amy Moravec of Bryan, Texas.
Zoe Peterek's Heritage Display

Lydia Pustejovsky was crowned the 2019 Miss Czech-Slovak Queen. Lydia is a senior of Abbott High School in Abbott, Texas. Her parents are Bob & Traci Pustejovsky. Lydia won the Private and On-State Interview portions of the Competition. Lydia's talent was a vocal solo in Czech, the Czech National Anthem. Lydia will compete for in the Miss Czech-Slovak Queen Pageant in Wilber, Nebraska the first weekend in August at the Czech Days festival. Her Little Czech Sister is Allison Pustejovsky, daughter of Andy and Joanie Pustejovsky of Abbott, Texas.

Pageant Director, Kathy Podsednik and Jana Vaculik Riley, both of West, Texas.

The 2006 Miss Czech-Slovak US Queen Sarah Middlebrook Armor of Temple, Texas.
Mildred Dokupil in her authentic kroj that she go piece by piece during the communist regime. This is a bridal kroj from Uherske Hradiste..
Back of Mildred Dokupil's authentic kroj.
Sharon Middlebrook Mena with daughter, Sarah Middlebrook Armor.

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